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9 oktober 2007

Peter McNeil professor of fashion studies at Stockholm University

Peter McNeil, who is a professor of the history of design at the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia, has been appointed the first professor of fashion studies at Stockholm University.

After a year-long application procedure, President Kåre Bremer has now decided who will become Stockholm University’s first holder of a chair in fashion studies. The 41-year-old Peter McNeil, who is also an expert on the history of art, was chosen among seven applicants. He will assume his chair at Stockholm University on January 1, 2008.

In their final joint statement, the expert panel referred to Peter McNeil as “an ideal professor of fashion studies at Stockholm University.”

Fashion has been a thread running through McNeil’s academic career, and his work on shoes, Shoes: A History from Sandals to Sneakers (2007), has garnered a great deal of attention.

“The appointment of McNeil has been long-awaited and needed. The Centre for Fashion Studies at Stockholm University is a pioneering operation, and interest in the Center has been extremely great, both at home and abroad,” says Louise Wallenberg, acting director of the Centre for Fashion Studies.

Facts about fashion studies:
Fashion studies is an interdisciplinary academic discipline under construction. It examines fashion as a phenomenon, from both historical and contemporary perspectives, taking as its point of departure aesthetic studies, ethnology, business studies, gender studies, history, cultural studies, media and communication studies, social anthropology, and sociology, among other disciplines.

For further information:
Erik Augustin Palm, Centre for Fashion Studies, phone: +46 (0)8-16 17 77

Peter McNeil, e-mail:

For a picture of Peter McNeil, please contact the press office at Stockholm University, phone: +46 (0)8-16 40 90 or e-mail:

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